
They will remember them

A weird thing I made inspired by Seaman where you raise little men

You awake in a dark cavern. You feel cold, and hungry, and lost, and unwell, and you don’t if there’s anywhere else to go. You can’t see your hands and you can’t feel your lips, yet you feel as though you can still act and that you can still speak. You understand this is your last moment, you need to impart some knowledge or else you’ll never exist. You feel as though you can create new life now, they will hear, and they will repeat, so be careful what words you choose.

They will remember them.

Game Background

So yeah, I’d just finished university and I wanted to do a game jam to get into the rhythm of game-making again, I did everything by myself and the result was a little insane. It’s weirdly one of my favourite projects, even if it’s not really a game. I think the atmosphere is great and it does serve a purpose as a sort of interactive notes board. If you play it, try typing in any unpleasant thoughts you’re feeling, and watch them echo back to you.


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