
Radio dj 2026

Spin tracks and mix successfully to be the best Radio DJ

Welcome to the year 2026 radio DJ! You’ll be keeping people interested in your radio show by spinning discs, mixing them well and taking in live callers. A high audience count at the end of the day will net you loadsa money which you can spend on new vinyls! Note that music got a lot weirder over the last two years but your job is to play the tunes, not to judge ‘em.

Happy spinnin radio wizard!

Game Background

Ah alas, Radio DJ. This was a ton of fun to make, a lot of the little elements turned just the way I wanted them, the way the vinyl needle leans in, the mixing mechanic and the humourous interactions with callers. My favourite element has to be the fact that the vinyls and the sleeves are different objects meaning proper storage is a necessity to do well, in a full game I think that could be a really fun mechanic.

Sadly, I messed up the screen scaling leading to issues like the tutorial covering up parts of the game and invisible elements being visible. This alongside several bugs meant that, quite rightly, no one gave Radio DJ a chance. Since this jam, I’ve focused on playability above all other features and my next project (Dancing Mania) put this into practice and was far more successful.

The art for this project was provided by my friend Hannah Goodliff who you can follow on Twitter @HGoodliff.


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